Module: popup

Popup action creates a popup in the window
Name Type Description
node object The configuration object for the popup action
Name Type Description
type string The type of the node is action
actionType string The actionType of the node is popup
text string The text to display on the button
id string The id of the popup
buttonClasses string A string of classes to apply the button
options object The options pertaining to the ajax action
Name Type Description
template string The template to use to construct the popup
title string The title of the popup
message string The message to display in the popup
data object | array The data to pass to the popup to be mustache rendered
modal boolean Boolean to display the popup as a modal or not
wrapperTemplate string The template to use as the wrapper for the popup
hidePopupAction object The action to perform when the popup is hidden
hideDelay number The amount of time before the popup is closed in milliseconds
    "type": "action",
    "actionType": "popup",
    "options": {
        "title": "Success",
        "template": "action_popup_template",
        "message": "Your form has been submitted successfully"