Module: input

input is the component to use when accepting user-input. This is the best way to create an interactive UI and autogenerate your underlying data model by using an adapter in the parent chain.
Name Type Description
node object The configuration specs for the component.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
id string <optional>
By specifying an "id" on your input, you are automatically adding your input's data to the data context model.
options object The options pertaining to your specific inputType
rendered boolean | string <optional>
true Boolean or expression to render the input (or not)
options.values array <optional>
The values that can be chosen from for inputTypes that have selections (e.g. radio, checkboxList)
options.validations object <optional>
KO validations object to validate the inputValue
Name Type Attributes Description
required boolean <optional>
Required validation for ko - also will show * next to label indicating it is required
options.readonly boolean | string <optional>
false Boolean or expression to set the input as readonly
options.disabled boolean <optional>
Disables the input (different from readonly)
options.pattern object | string | boolean <optional>
Sets an inputmask for the input. If a string, this is the mask. If an object, gets passed as is. If boolean = true, uses pattern validation.
options.vertical boolean <optional>
false For multi-option types (e.g. checkboxList, radio), sets the display to block if true for the options