Module: grid

Grid component to display a grid of data
Name Type Description
node object The configuration object for the grid
Name Type Description
data object Initial data to populate the grid with
id string The id of the grid
classes string The classes to apply to the grid
gridHeaderClasses string The classes to apply to the grid header
gridHeader array An array of PJSON components to use as the grid header
dataSourceEndpoint object Configuration object for the grid's data source
Name Type Description
target object Configuration object for the target of the grid's data source
Name Type Description
uri string The uri endpoint for the grid's data source
dataMapFunctions object An object of functions to run on the data
Name Type Description
before string Function to run before the data is added to the grid?
after string Function to run after the data is added to the grid?
keyMap object | array A mapper object or array of mapper objects to map keys
pagination object An object to specify pagination for the grid
Name Type Default Description
start number 0 The number of which page to start the grid at
limit number 15 The max number of grid items to show on each page
columns array An array of objects to build the columns
selection object A PJSON action to use when a row is selected
options object The options pertaining to the grid
Name Type Description
infinite boolean Boolean to specify whether to show infinite items on the grid
fixedHeader boolean Boolean to specify if the grid header should be fixed or not
footer object Configuration object for the grid footer
Name Type Description
hideOnDone boolean Boolean to hide the footer once the grid is loaded or not
loadingText string A string to show while the grid is loading
doneText string A string to show when the grid has finished loading.
hasChildren object Configuration object for a grid row's child
Name Type Description
showIcon string The class to apply to the show child button
hideIcon string The class to apply to the hide child button
template string The template to apply to the child row
onRowSelect boolean Boolean to determine whether to show/hide the child on selecting the row or via a button
accordion boolean Boolean to determine if only one child should be shown at a time
clientSearch boolean Boolean on whether to search/sort client side
gridDisplay boolean | expression Boolean or expression to render the grid programmatically
scrollElement string Element to scroll grid on, defaults to scrolling on window
     "type": "grid",
     "id": "my_grid_id",
     "classes": "grid-container",
     "gridHeaderClasses": "grid-header",
     "options": {
         "infinite": true,
         "fixedHeader": true,
         "footer": {
             "hideOnDone": true,
             "loadingText": "Loading...",
             "doneText": "Loaded all rows."
         "hasChildren": {
             "showIcon": "icon-open",
             "hideIcon": "icon-close",
             "template": "grid_child_template",
             "onRowSelect": true,
             "accordion": true,
     "dataSourceEndpoint": {
        "target": {
             "uri": "endpoint"
        "keyMap": {
            "resultsKey": "data"
     "pagination": {
         "start": 0,
         "limit": 30
     "columns": [
             "data": "colData",
             "title": "Column Data Title"