Module: input-select

select is a type of input that lets the user select the value from dropdown options
Name Type Description
node object The configuration specs for the component.
Name Type Description
options string Options specific to this component
Name Type Attributes Default Description
addBlank bool <optional>
true Whether or not to add a blank to the beginning of the select options
values object | array Specifies either an array of values to use or an object describing the values
Name Type Attributes Default Description
fromArray string A string to be evaluated that will be used to map the values
textKey string | array A string or array which refers to the text key (i.e. the label) for the options
valueKey string A string which referes to the value key for the options
delimeter string <optional>
' / ' A delimeter for the label if the textKey is an array
textFormatter string <optional>
The name of a function to format the label for the option (i.e. dateFormatter)


(inner) computedValues

If currentFilter is defined, return only values which match