import { notify, receive } from 'scalejs.messagebus';
import { observable } from 'knockout';
import { merge, has } from 'scalejs';
import { extend, cloneDeep } from 'lodash';
import { getRegisteredActions } from './actionModule';
/** Action: a component to create an action
* @module action
* @param {object} node
* The configuration object for the module
* @param {string} node.type='action'
* The type of the node is action
* @param {string} node.actionType
* The type of action to create
* @param {string} node.text
* The text to display on the button
* @param {boolean} node.immediate
* Boolean to determine whether to run the action immediately or not
* @param {number} node.delay
* How long to delay the action in milliseconds
* @param {string} node.validate
* The id of an element to validate
* @param {boolean|string} [node.rendered=true]
* Boolean or expression to render the action (or not)
* @param {object} node.options
* The options pertaining to your specific actionType
* @param {boolean|string} node.options.disabled
* Boolean or expression to disable the button or not
export default function actionViewModel(node) {
const registeredActions = getRegisteredActions(),
originalJson = cloneDeep(node),
context = this || {},
options = node.options || {},
text = node.text || options.text, // TODO: Why are we checking options?
validate = node.validate,
actionType = node.actionType,
actions = {},
mergedActions = extend(actions, registeredActions),
actionFunc = (mergedActions[actionType] && mergedActions[actionType].bind(context)) || null,
isShown = observable(true),
disabled = observable(has(options.disabled) ? options.disabled : false),
enableUpdates = options.enableUpdates,
subs = [];
function action(args) {
if (!actionFunc) {
console.error('actionType is not defined', node);
if (validate) {
notify(validate, {
successCallback: function () {
actionFunc(options, args);
actionNode: cloneDeep(originalJson)
} else {
actionFunc(options, args);
if (node.immediate) {
if (has(node.delay)) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, node.delay);
if (enableUpdates) {
subs.push(receive(`${}.update`, (data) => {
Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => {
if (key === 'disabled') { disabled(data[key]); }
return merge(node, {
isShown: isShown,
action: action,
text: text,
actionType: actionType,
options: options,
disabled: disabled,
context: context,
dispose: function () {
subs.forEach((sub) => {